The biomechanics, combat theory, principals and fundamentals of Liechtenauer longsword.

Instructor: Colin McKinstry


Johannes Liechtenauer was a Fencing Master in the Holy Roman Empire who is believed to have taught his art in the late 14th century. He left behind a Zettel (coded poetry of his system). Numerous of his student descendants would expound upon this Zettel. His system would last into the 17th century.


These student descendants would form fencing guilds and would eventually be granted monopoly status. As such, Liechtenauer’s system would have a huge impact on the fighting arts of what we call Germany.


I will be presenting my latest interpretation of this system that attempts to match the written instructions with the visual representations more closely, including resolving the close foot distance between antagonists.


I will be going over the biomechanics, combat theory, principals and fundamentals of Liechtenauer longsword techniques.


Required equipment: fencing mask, longsword and ideally a padded jacke